
Are You a Binge Drinker?

Binge DrinkerAre You a Binge Drinker?

Recent research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham estimates that 1,825 college students ages 18-24 die each year from alcohol-related injuries like car accidents, about 20 percent of college students meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder, and 1 in 4 college students report academic consequences from drinking. So binge drinking is a college kid problem right? Everybody grows out of it right? Research says, “not so.” Although most people associate binge drinking with college age individuals, it isn’t exclusive to young adults.   In fact, a recent CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report suggests that over 38 million adults binge drink an average of four times a month. The report also indicated that those who make more than $75,000 and those over 65 years of age are more apt to binge drink (not your typical college kid). If you’re wondering if you or someone you love is caught in a dangerous cycle of binge drinking, look for the following 6 signs:

  1. Overall, the individual takes more risks than they use to
  2. Larger quantities of alcohol are consumed more often than before
  3. They can’t to stop drinking at a “predecided limit”
  4. They black out after drinking
  5. They’ve becoming more negligent or lazy recently
  6. Their close friends and/or family are concerned