
National Prevention Week

National Prevention Week

National Prevention Week

This week is National Prevention Week, a new SAMHSA-supported annual health observance that celebrates the work that community organizations and individuals do year-round to help prevent substance abuse and promote mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being.

This year’s theme is “We are the ones. How are you taking action?”

If you need some suggestions, here are some directly from the National Prevention Week website:

  • Talk to others about the prevention of substance use and the promotion of mental, emotional and behavioral well-being.
  • Attend a National Prevention Week 2012 event.
  • Host a drug- and alcohol-free party or event.
  • Learn about and support suicide prevention programs such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK [8255]) and the Trevor Project.
  • Encourage children, friends and/or family members to improve their mental, emotional, and behavioral health by promoting rest, a healthy diet, physical exercise, and time outdoors doing activities like hiking or rock climbing.
  • Point loved ones in the direction of resources that can help them improve their mental, emotional and behavioral well-being.
  • Talk with a friend or loved one who has been having a difficult time and discuss things that are bothering him/her.
  • Be a role model in your community by abstaining from alcohol abuse and illicit drug use.
  • Volunteer with a community program or organization that provides support for at-risk populations such as youth, Tribal communities, and military families.
  • Encourage your local school district to implement an alcohol and substance use prevention program and provide programs to promote students’ mental health.
  • Spread the prevention message online by posting about and linking to National Prevention Week 2012 on your Facebook and Twitter pages or on your blog or website.
  • Encourage friends, family, neighbors, and loved ones to sign the Prevention Pledge!

So, how are you taking action to prevent substance abuse and promote mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being?