
Why Accreditation is Key

goldseal250Why Accreditation is Key

When searching for a drug rehab, one of the first recommendations one may hear is to find a program that is accredited. Accreditation is key to finding the right rehab treatment facility. Being accredited doesn’t always ensure quality care, but it most often does.

In addition to getting licensed by the state, some addiction treatment programs choose to get accredited by a third party. In the U.S., drug rehab centers are most commonly further accredited by CARF (The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) and/or The Joint Commission. When a rehab meets the CARF or Joint Commission standards, they demonstrate that they are committed to being the best in every way. They meet high standards of quality and are committed to individualized treatment and client satisfaction.

When searching for a drug rehab facility, it’s imperative that different places and avenues of rehab are researched. Accreditation can’t guarantee a successful outcome, but it is one of the best indicators of quality. By choosing an accredited program and asking detailed questions about the program staff, services and reputation, there will be more confidence in the drug rehab center that is chosen.