
Saint George, Utah Hot Drug: Spice

stgeorgeutahdrugrehabSaint George, Utah Hot Drug: Spice

Ask high school kids in Saint George, Utah what drug they hear about most at school and they will unanimously say “spice” or “weed.” “I could get it anywhere, anytime, if I just ask the right people. And it’s not hard to find those people, “ said one high school freshman who is a “clean-cut” 4.0 student. Marijuana use continues to rise in parts of the country. Due in part, some believe, to the confusion of teens about the legality of the drug.

Further, many teens believe that even if weed or spice is illegal, it can’t do damage – it’s not that “crazy” of a drug. However, this myth proves to be false by studies that show brain impairment due to marijuana use by teens that can follow them into adulthood. There are many negative side effects of marijuana that teens either are ignorant of or choose not to believe since they don’t hear of as many dangerous outcomes of the use of spice.

A recent drug bust in Saint George uncovered a major spice distribution operation. They found that a large majority of the spice came in from China, was manufactured in Saint George and then pushed out to 15 states. The finished product was allegedly packaged and sold in retail stores and online under names like “Gods of Spice” and “Blue Heaven.” The operation in Saint George distributed about 2,652 pounds of spice in 2 years.

Also, many teens in Southern Utah still believe that spice is legal marijuana. This fallacy is leading some to experiment with the drug. Their friends tell them weed or marijuana is illegal, but spice is the legal “ok” version of the drug.

Saint George (and all) parents would be wise to talk with their kids of the dangers of all marijuana drugs – spice included– and point out that all are illegal and can have very harmful effects.