
Recovery Help Needed in Low-Income Areas

helpneededRecovery Help Needed in Low-Income Areas

A recent study, led by researchers at the University of California, Riverside, discussed how areas with higher income levels and more family support tend to have lower drug and substance abuse.

The study, published in Substance Use and Misuse, looked at drug and substance abuse in the urban Arkansas Mississippi Delta area. This particular region is well known for high unemployment and a low-income population. The university study took place over 2 years and examined 51 individuals between the ages of 18 and 61 from this region who reportedly used cocaine.

Tragically, more than 70 percent of the individuals in the study had attempted to quit drug use at least once for different reasons. However, because there were no support programs, little familial involvement, and a lack of income needed to pay for treatment, there was no access to any type of recovery facility. Although some recovered without treatment, the study indicated that most did not. And those who recovered had to alter their environment and relationships with others and include more support in their lives – which they sought out themselves.

The University of California, Riverside researchers concluded through observation of these individuals, that in order to reduce the drug use in low income, high employment areas, interventions need to take place in the communities to increase housing and employment opportunities. Having more employment opportunities, stable housing, and community resources- such as recreation centers or places where support can be rendered, was shown to increase recovery. But without these resources, low-income areas stand to suffer and struggle to help their community members recover from drug and substance abuse.