
Recovery during Thanksgiving

RecoveryDuringThanksgivingRecovery during Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be a difficult time for those in addiction recovery. Family and friends-who insist that everyone has a drink- are in abundance. Most of them simply don’t understand addiction. They think that because they can stop after one drink, everyone must be able to stop after one drink.

Even when friends and family don’t insist that everyone has a drink at thanksgiving time, many feel like the odd one out. Some, in a desperate attempt to fit in under pressure, take that drink, and by doing so, begin the addiction cycle over again.

Research shows that after just one drink, those in recovery, especially early recovery, will relapse on their drug of choice.

Perhaps self-encouraging words during this thanksgiving time can help fight the pulls of addiction. Maybe considering how blessed one is to be in recovery and be grateful for everything they have gained through abstinence will help fight the urge to have “just one drink” around the table. Possibly being thankful for a sponsor and keeping in contact with that person throughout the thanksgiving holiday weekend can give individuals the resolve and conviction they need to fight back in the battle of addiction.

The best time to make a plan for recovery during the Thanksgiving holiday is now, before the festivities begin. If there is a possibility that alcohol will be served at a Thanksgiving dinner that someone in recovery is attending, they should have enough respect for themselves and their recovery to not attend there. Having a sandwich at home with a trusted friend will provide better results that will produce more gratitude and thanksgiving in the end.