
Managing Stress Aids Recovery

Managing Stress Aids Recovery

Managing stress during recovery from drug or alcohol abuse is extremely helpful in having a good recovery outcome. Stress can manifest in the forms of finances, family, triggers, and many other factors. Also, research shows that those who struggle with drug addictions are more prone to stress. Although stress cannot ever be entirely eliminated from life, certain measures can be taken to lessen or prevent it. It’s also well known that stress is one of the main causes of relapse, so learning to avoid, prevent, or manage stress better is definitely helpful in making a full and successful recovery. Below are a few ways to manage stress on a regular, if not daily, basis:

1- Exercise: Whether it’s inside a gym or outside on the road or a bike, exercise is a great way to boost those feel-good hormones and keep you calm. Even light exercise, such as a leisurely walk will help

2- Think of a phrase or mantra: Repeating a simple positive affirmation or phrase can help you focus on what’s important, breathe, and relax when stressful things arise in your life.

3- Get enough good sleep: Aiming for 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night will help your body be ready for the stress it may encounter the next day.

4- Find activities that calm you: It might be reading, walking, listening to music, yoga, or art –whatever you find that calms your soul, do it often.

5- Write out your thoughts and feelings—good and bad: Sometimes seeing the words on paper helps to put stress in its place. It can also help to release stress from your mind and so you can focus on other things and let go of the stress.