
How much is in a keg?

As we all know, the Holiday and New Year season is the time for parties, and some parties may have a keg.  Have you ever wondered just how much alcohol is actually in a keg?  We found this article on with some  keg statistics (that were taken from a “scientific study” that the writer performed). Here’s some interesting stats:

  • The standard keg size is 15 1/2 gallons.
  • The beer used in the “study” contained 4.9% alcohol. This means that there is enough alcohol in a keg to put 41 men over the legal drinking limit!
  • It’s estimated that the alcohol in a keg contains more than 25,000 calories!

Remember, if you’re going to drink this Holiday season, please do so responsibly and don’t abuse alcohol. Use a designated driver, and drink in moderation.