
FDA and E-Cigarettes Warnings

FDAande-cigarettesFDA and E-Cigarettes Warnings

When e-cigarettes first hit the market the public immediately began fighting for ways to warn users of the effects. Most wanted lawmakers to enforce stricter packaging with warning labels and felt like, until recently, these pleadings fell on deaf ears.

Just last Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a 15-page “notice of proposed rulemaking” that requests warning labels and child-proof packaging on liquid nicotine and tobacco products (e-cigarettes). Most believe that the FDA has finally responded due to the increase in calls to poison control centers related to liquid nicotine, which is used in e-cigarettes. For instance, just in 2013, there were 1,543 calls to poison control centers. Many of these calls involved children.

USA today reports, “This historic proposal to ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors and require warning labels as well as federal approval is a huge step in prevention. Although it’s taken nearly three years, the FDA is moving to control not only these battery-powered devices but also cigars, pipe tobacco, hookahs (water pipes) and dissolvable tobacco products. Currently, the FDA regulates cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and smokeless products such as snuff.”

There are more battles to fight however. The proposed rules will help with warning labels and such but won’t ban advertising unless the products make health-related claims. They also will not ban the use of flavors such as chocolate or bubble gum in e-cigarettes, which public health officials say might attract children.
