
Experiencing Success with Resolutions

New Year's ResolutionsExperiencing Success with Resolutions & Goals

January is a popular time for resolutions and goals, but sticking to them usually proves more difficult than most people realize.  It’s good to be realistic and to have a specific plan for implementing goals and resolutions.  Especially when it comes to drug or alcohol abuse recovery.  However, every resolution needs a plan in order to be carried out effectively.

The website offered 5 tips on to help people stay drug free for the New Year.  They include:

  • Tip #1— Identify Your Goals
    It is imperative that you are specific when setting your goals. Write down how you will move toward and achieve each goal by determining how much time, effort and dedication it will take in order to accomplish these goals.
  • Tip #2 — Create a Supportive Environment
    Getting support is important, especially when you’re dealing with drug abuse and addiction. Stay away from non-supportive people and others who share the same problem. Seek out those who want you to remain or become drug- free. They will encourage you when you succeed and help you pick up the pieces if you fall.
  • Tip #3 — Prepare for a Setback
    No one is perfect; everyone has a slip. Instead of telling yourself that you will not fail, prepare for a setback in the process. This will help you not beat up yourself so badly when you do mess up, and it will help you get back on your feet and try again.
  • Tip #4 — Track Your Progress
    Write in a journal or notebook all of the progress you make over time. Not only will this motivate you, it can also help with your recovery from addiction.
  • Tip #5 — Ask for Help
    Do not be afraid to ask for help from others. When dealing with drug addiction, it is hard to do it alone. Getting the help you need enables you to keep pushing toward your goals. (

In addition to these tips, note that it’s important to assess your needs when making your plan and identifying your goals.  Think about when you want to achieve your resolutions by, what resources you will need to achieve success with your resolutions, and have an endpoint in mind.  This will make achieving your resolutions a more attainable goal and will give you a greater sense of accomplishment.  Again, as mentioned in tip #3 above, remember that slips and relapses happen.  Do not be discouraged or give up!  If you are making progress and have cut down or quit and then have a slip, reassess your goals and get the help you need!

Last, make sure you include a daily self-care regimen in your resolutions.  Recovery and quitting are accomplished by changing your life and routine as much as stopping using.  It’s important to have rest and relaxation as well as exercise and healthy eating as part of your routine.  Without these basic things, it’s easier to fall back into the traps you are resolving to avoid!  It’s always good, when striving for your goals, to seek professional help if you feel you need it as well.