
Drug Abuse in Summer

SummerDrugAbuseDrug Abuse in Summer

Many people associate the summer months of June, July, and August with partying and alcohol/drug abuse.  Those who are out of school or work in the summer have more time on their hands to experiment with or abuse drugs and alcohol.  In fact, a recent survey showed that first time drug abuse, including marijuana, inhalant, and hallucinogen use, most often occurs during these summer months.  Further, environmental and situational events that come as the weather warms up can lead to increased drug abuse as well.  These include:

  1. Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day and Graduation
  2. Stress due to family vacations or kids on summer break
  3. Lack of athletic drug testing in the summer
  4. Increased drug and alcohol availability as warmer weather provides easier transport
  5. Cold alcohol on warm summer days
  6. Research shows that heat waves increase drug use

Whatever the reason, if individuals are prone to drug abuse due to weather changes, being aware can help addiction recovery.  Just like with the depression that overwhelms many in the winter months that leads people to turn back to addictions and patterns of abuse, steps must be taken to be proactive about recovery in the summer as well.  Awareness of one’s triggers and planning and/or attending events where drugs and/or alcohol are not present is key to avoiding drug abuse in the summer.