
5 Simple Things to Fight Depression

5SimpleThingstoFightDepression5 Simple Things to Fight Depression

When individuals feel depressed, they feel hopeless or as if nothing they do seems to lighten the load or lift their spirits. But there are some simple things they can do each day to bring more light into their dark world of depression. Just taking charge and doing something about depression can boost confidence and help the depression lighten in addition to getting help from a doctor or therapist when needed. Below are 5 things to fight depression:

1-Exercise. Take a short, quick walk each day — or bike, jog, or Zumba if you prefer. Often, people who feel depressed may not want to be active, but getting going will make a difference. Ask a friend to join you! Yoga has also been shown to help relieve feelings of depression. Certain poses, such as a downward-facing dog or legs-up-the-wall pose have been shown to be effective. Yoga breathing exercises and meditation have also been proven to help with depression.

2-Eat well. Depression can often affect eating habits. Some individuals overeat and gain weight while others forget to eat because they lack an appetite. Being extra aware of getting the right nourishment influences a person’s mood and energy. So eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and regular meals will help depressed individuals feel better.

3-Don’t dwell on the negative. It’s important to be able to identify things that are troubling, talking about your blues with a caring friend can release dark feelings and help to receive some understanding.
After expressing thoughts and feelings, turning one’s attention to something positive and taking action to solve problems goes a long way. Feeling connected to friends and family can also help relieve depression. When loved ones feel connected they may also feel there’s something they can do to help.

4-Express oneself though creativity and emotions. With depression, a person’s creativity and sense of fun may seem blocked. Exercising the imagination through art, sewing, writing, dancing, composing music, athletics, hobbies, singing, will help to increase positive emotions. Doing something fun for and finding things to laugh about will help to lighten one’s mood.

5-Notice the positive. Depression can affects one’s thoughts, making everything seem dark, awful, sad, dismal, negative, and/or hopeless. Making an effort to notice the good things in life can lift spirits and help shake off darkness. Counting blessings, or considering strengths, realizing talents and gifts will encourage positive thinking. And in the process, being patient is important because depression takes time to heal and recover from.